Where To Snatch Up Your Ideal Coaching Clients

“Being found by clients may seem hard, but people are already looking for you.” What I hear most from coaches as they grow their coaching businesses is that they struggle to be discovered by their ideal clients. They may try things here and there but aren’t getting the momentum they really want. In reality, it’s […]
I Beat Goliath

Have you ever heard the story of David and Goliath? It’s a story from the bible, but you don’t need to be religious to relate. In a nutshell, it’s about a young boy named, David, who against all odds faced the giant, Goliath (who terrorized the area) and beat him. By all logic, the boy […]
Most people are on 1 of these 2 paths…

Imagine, what if you were at a crossroads… …and when you look to your left, you see familiar and safe surroundings. But when you look to your right, the path looks uncertain. Even though it looks uncertain, you also know that path has a lot of thrill, beauty, and excitement. Which would you take? Most […]
Why Struggling Is A Sign You’re On The Right Track… And The #1 “Trick” To Move Past It To Fast Forward Into Wild Success

If you are currently struggling to get clients and make a name for yourself in your industry or have ever struggled in the past with it, read this article from beginning to end. I’m going to share with you what “the struggle” actually is, why it’s a good thing that it’s happening to you, and […]
60 Second Trick Will Help You Land Clients After A Fumble

Do you ever fumble the ball, so to speak, when you’re talking to potential clients? It may happen right at the beginning of your session. Or, it could happen somewhere in the middle. If you ever run into this kind of situation where you fumbled your way through, then you’re going to love this… You’re […]
5 Mindsets To Master To Make Your Success Inevitable

I believe your success is inevitable. Like the saying goes, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” Over the last 15 years as a coach and business owner, I can tell you it’s true and more often than not it has to do with mastering a new mindset. […]
How to make money with a book without selling a single copy…

Let’s face it, it’s tough to get attention out there. The Internet has made it easy for anyone to start a coaching business, which is good. But it’s harder than ever to cut through the clutter and get the attention of your target audience. There is one marketing tactic I’ve been using for 18 years […]
How To Get Other People To Promote You

One way I’ve grown my business (even when I was starting out) was by forming joint venture partnerships. That’s when you find people who have your audience and they promote you. They can help promote your business, book, session, or live event. I am going to share my “Stone Soup” JV strategy that’ll help you get […]
Do You Have Holes In Your Email Marketing?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “the money is in the list”? It’s true, that when you have a big email list you can make a lot of money with the push of a button. But… Does that mean you can’t make a lot of money with a small email list? It may surprise you […]
How To Stand Out From The Coaching Competition

There are more coaches than ever these days because there are more people than ever that need our help. But that means there’s more people for clients to choose from, so you’ll need some reliable ways to stand out so clients know you’re the right coach for them. This is important when building a coaching […]