Power Beliefs That Will Skyrocket Your Signup Rates

I believe there are two things that keep coaches from being able to get clients. I’m going to share one of them with you now and that’s confidence. When a coach lacks rock solid confidence, it causes them to: Second-guess their impact on clients Doubt themselves and their coaching Worry they won’t be able to […]
Why Every Coach Needs At Least 1 Info Product

Forbes released its list of top richest people in the world and someone new made it to #1. He’s not an oil tycoon and he didn’t develop some super sophisticated software either. He owns clothing stores. Tons of people own clothing stores. Yet his has made him the richest man in the world. He took […]
2 Hard Mistakes Coaches Make When Creating An Info Product

You’ve got something inside of you that you’d like to teach others, but are too nervous that it’s been done before…. Or, you have something that you’d like to share with EVERYONE – doesn’t really matter who they are. These are two mistakes that I see happen with coaches when they’re getting ready to make […]
Power Beliefs That Will Skyrocket Your Signup Rates: Part 2

One of the biggest reasons why coaches don’t get clients or don’t get as many clients as they want is lack of confidence. When you are a confident coach, two major things will happen… You will start to expect great things to happen for your clients and then your expectations will rub off on your […]
How To Keep Coaching Clients Longer: Part 1

When you start your coaching business and begin building it, you think about a lot of things – marketing, branding, websites, networking, and of course, getting clients. But, there’s another aspect to running a coaching business most coaches don’t think about in the beginning – how to get clients to stick around. It usually isn’t […]
Where To Snatch Up Your Ideal Coaching Clients

“Being found by clients may seem hard, but people are already looking for you.” What I hear most from coaches as they grow their coaching businesses is that they struggle to be discovered by their ideal clients. They may try things here and there but aren’t getting the momentum they really want. In reality, it’s […]
Fix These 4 Mistakes To Drive Growth In Your Coaching Business

Here’s a really short, but powerful clip for you that I think you’ll find valuable. It’s from my Big Money Business Coach live event a couple years back where I share 4 major mistakes business owners make with their employees. You’re free to use this with your business owner clients if you’re a business coach. […]
How To Make Your Coaching Sound Enticing Like This

The #1 key to building a coaching business empire. One where you move beyond just 1-on-1 coaching to hosting sold out live events, writing #1 best-selling books, doing blockbuster product launches, leading high-end masterminds, and being seen as a major authority in your field is this… Offer a specific result. The more clear you are […]
How Fears Can Cost You Clients, Money, Success, and Happiness

Is there something you know you need to do to get coaching clients, but you’re not doing it? Maybe it’s… Attending a networking event Making follow up calls to people you met at a networking event Or perhaps it’s… Making cold calls (yes, some coaches do this and get a lot of clients from it) […]
Why Struggling Is A Sign You’re On The Right Track… And The #1 “Trick” To Move Past It To Fast Forward Into Wild Success

If you are currently struggling to get clients and make a name for yourself in your industry or have ever struggled in the past with it, read this article from beginning to end. I’m going to share with you what “the struggle” actually is, why it’s a good thing that it’s happening to you, and […]