A Proven Method to Ignite Your Coaching Business

Meet Natalya Hramova. She is a health & life coach ready to scale her business. She was unable to make the next move on her coaching business, because she felt overwhelmed. As part of our monthly calls inside Coach Club Premium, we worked together on overcoming these feelings. We also went through the ‘Coaching Triangle’ […]

Shift Your Mindset, Become An Abundance Magnet

Are you afraid to charge, afraid you won’t get any clients, or upset that people aren’t paying you? You talk to people, but they don’t sign up for the amount you want to charge. You feel like you’re charging peanuts, and still they aren’t saying, “Yes, let’s work together.” You must realize that you are […]

They Want Results, Not a Certification

The blinking cursor on the Google search bar popped the letters as I typed: certification on coaching. 1 million results. 1 million possibilities. Endless doubts. Would I ever be successful as a coach if I don’t know where to start? Many coaches are spending a lot of time getting certified. And I can see why. […]

šŸ¤‘šŸ’°More money, more problems? šŸ˜”

Ever had thoughts like these? I feel like I have so much life experience to give and share, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get paid what I deserve. Having MORE than enough money is somehow scary, unnecessary, and SELFISH. It’s not that I hate money, but I don’t think I trust […]

šŸ˜± Itā€™s too late now šŸ¤ÆYou CANā€™T go back now

Do you everā€¦ wonder if the things youā€™re doing are actually working? get frustrated because you are still dealing with the same old issues? worry because you are not where you thought you ā€œshouldā€ be by now, especially after all the work youā€™ve done so far? The better question might be: Are you making progress? […]

The Fast, Easy Way to Manifest Your Deepest Desires

During the month of March, my team and I focus on MOMENTUM. If manifestation and momentum are of interest to you, Iā€™d love to invite you to join us! You see, momentum = fast manifestation. And fast manifestations are super fun ā€” and incredibly exciting. Imagine what it would be like if you had a […]

Why Business Is Like Solving A Rubikā€™s Cube

Many years ago, I wanted to solve a Rubikā€™s cube. There werenā€™t any tutorials on the Internet, because the Internet didnā€™t exist back then. So I had to figure it out myself without all the online tutorials out there today. As I was practicing and trying to get the Rubikā€™s cube solved, I noticed something […]

Magic Phrases For Enrolling Clients

Have you ever had a client say they wanted to hire you and then fall off the face of the earth? This happens to lots of coaches and it used to happen to me. Itā€™s one of the worst things that can happen to a coach because… First, you get excited that they said, ā€œyesā€ […]

3 Tips For Creating Marketing That’ll Really Move Your Prospect

I want to share with you several important concepts you have to think about when it comes to creating marketing materials. I feel it will help you get your prospects attention and really connect with them so they can take the actions you want. There’s one thing I think about when I sit down to […]

Why Failure Equals Success: How To Mistake Your Way To The Topā€¦

I remember when I first started out in coaching. I felt horrible when I did an introductory coaching session and the client didnā€™t sign up to work with me that day. I wondered if I was a good enough coach. I doubted myself and felt rejected. There was only so much of this that I […]

šŸš€ Ready to Get Clients Lined Up Around the Block to Work With You?

Join the FREE LIVE Get Clients Masterclass Series – Registration Opens March 2nd.

Session 1:
Create Coaching Programs and Packages That Sell

Session 2:
Surprising Secrets of Highly Successful Coaches

Session 3:
Client-Getting Social Media Posts: Just Copy & Paste and Get Clients Today

Session 4:
5 Steps To Sign Up Clients For $5,000 to $100,000 Each

Limited spots available ā€”reserve yours now!

Instant Access to the #1 Best Selling Book Get Clients Today