60 Second Trick Will Help You Land Clients After A Fumble

Do you ever fumble the ball, so to speak, when you’re talking to potential clients? It may happen right at the beginning of your session. Or, it could happen somewhere in the middle. If you ever run into this kind of situation where you fumbled your way through, then you’re going to love this… You’re […]
5 Mindsets To Master To Make Your Success Inevitable

I believe your success is inevitable. Like the saying goes, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” Over the last 15 years as a coach and business owner, I can tell you it’s true and more often than not it has to do with mastering a new mindset. […]
The Get-More-Clients Formula

How do you respond when people ask, “What do you do?” (1) Do you feel confident because you know exactly what to say to end up with new clients? Or… (2) Do you freeze up, get nervous, and try your best to fumble through with an explanation and get ZERO clients from it? (If #2 […]
When a Coach Lets You Down…

I’m sorry for all the coaches, consultants, strategists, teachers, gurus – that were terrible in whatever way they let you down. The ones that didn’t show up for their calls, the ones that over-promised and under-delivered. The ones that didn’t do what they said they would do. On one hand if you pay for a […]
[5 Steps] How to get anything you want…

Before I found success I struggled for years. I knew that I wanted success badly and read tons of books from successful people on how to be successful, but I was still failing. But looking back I realized exactly what the missing link was. I never had a strategy for becoming successful that addressed my […]
How To *Really* Market Personal Growth As A Coach!

Many coaches make the mistake of trying to tell clients how they’ll help them fix abstract problems or obtain abstract breakthroughs (like gain peace, stop stress, feel happier, etc.). The problem with marketing your coaching this way is that it isn’t always compelling enough to get someone to hire you. This video reveals the *right* […]
What If A Coaching Prospect Doesn’t Call Back?

Have you ever had a situation where a potential client that once seemed interested in your coaching suddenly stops responding to your calls and emails? Do prospects sometimes ask for your contact information during a conversation but don’t follow-up with you? If you want to make situations like this a thing of the past, the […]
[VIDEO] Use This Magic Marketing Technique To Get More Customers

When it comes to marketing and targeting potential customers there are two ways to do it. 1. Target one group at a time 2. Target many groups at once The first way is really straightforward and most people do this using a niche market. Niche markets make it easy to target the right people, while […]
How To Use Rock, Taffy, And Water To Change Your Life

I want to let you in on my best secrets for changing your life in any of these ways… money life mission (or purpose) health love Don’t be like rock or taffy. Be like water. Watch this video straight from my Client Getting Mastery event to find out more. It’s one of the most important […]
[Exercise] How to Have More Abundance Right Now

How fast abundance can manifest in our lives is pretty amazing, especially when you learn how to release the things that are blocking abundance. We are literally swimming in oceans of abundance of love, of money, of success, of time. We have everything that we need. But we don’t necessarily always feel abundant. We don’t […]