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The Get-More-Clients Formula

How do you respond when people ask, “What do you do?”

(1) Do you feel confident because you know exactly what to say to end up with new clients?


(2) Do you freeze up, get nervous, and try your best to fumble through with an explanation and get ZERO clients from it?

(If #2 describes you, you definitely want to keep reading…)

I used to get VERY nervous when people asked me this question. I’d get a tight feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t sure what to say. Even when I did have something prepared to say, people looked at me strangely. Or they nodded and said, “Very interesting,” in a way that made me know they didn’t think very highly of me.


But then, after a lot of fumbling around, I figured out a way to respond to that question that had people say, “I need that!”

I remember the first time I had that reaction from someone. I was totally floored (but I kept my poker face on and ‘played it off’ like this sort of thing happened to me all of the time). I tried it again and got the same response. Again and again, I was attracting clients to me all because I knew how to answer the question, “What do you do?”

People probably ask you what you “do” all the time. If you ever go to networking events, then sometimes you get to share what you do in front of an audience. That can make you even more nervous, but if you do it right it’s really a chance to give a “Client Getting Commercial.”

You get to give a ‘commercial’ to people 1 at a time or in front of a group. But… If you don’t know what to say, this opportunity can quickly become a nightmare.

That’s why I want to share my formula for creating your own “Client Getting Commercial.” So instead of being a nightmare, these moments can be a dream come true, with you getting more clients, instantly.

Here’s my formula for creating your own “Client Getting Commercial”:

Answer these questions:

  1. Who do you work with?
  2. What is their biggest problem?
  3. What do you do to help them?
  4. What result do they end up with?

When someone asks you, “What do you do?” respond by using your answers to the four questions above.

Here’s an example of what a Business Coach could say:

I help business owners who are spending too much time at work to clarify and prioritize their focus so that they can make more money and work as little as they want.

Here’s one more example of what a Weight Loss Coach could say:

I help women who are struggling to lose 20 pounds or more actually stick to their diets and slim down to their sexiest weight.

These types of “Client Getting Commercials” will get you clients because…

#1: Identifying a specific type of person and talking in specifics always outperforms speaking in “generalities”. Most coaches talk about “getting to the next level” and “bridging the gap”,  but ultimately those things are too vague.

#2: You’re addressing their BIG problems, and the emotional pains that these problems are causing them is exactly what motivates people to take action and get help (your help).

#3: You’ve explained, in a very concise way, how you work with people. This way they “get” what you do in way that makes sense and isn’t confusing. Notice that none of the examples above even mention the word coaching.

Why? People don’t care about HOW you help them get results. They just want the results.

#4: You’ve talked about the specific RESULTS that they want. That’s the other thing that motivates people to buy coaching.

Now, here’s what you need to do…

Use my “Client Getting Commercial” formula to create your response to the “What do you do?” question.

Think of some places where you can use this in the next few days and watch how people respond.

Notice how people start getting very interested in what you do by asking for your business card, telling you that they know someone who needs you, or even saying, “I need that.”

Now go do it!

Comment below and let me know where you’re going to share your Client Getting Commercial.

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen