Fix These 4 Mistakes To Drive Growth In Your Coaching Business

Here’s a really short, but powerful clip for you that I think you’ll find valuable. It’s from my Big Money Business Coach live event a couple years back where I share 4 major mistakes business owners make with their employees. You’re free to use this with your business owner clients if you’re a business coach. […]
Ideal Coaching Age

Often people want to know what I think about these 2 things… “How young is too young to get started as a professional coach?” or… “Am I too *old* to get started in professional coaching?” Now… Even if you’re not one of “these people,” my answer to this question about “age” will still apply to […]
How To Make Your Coaching Sound Enticing Like This

The #1 key to building a coaching business empire. One where you move beyond just 1-on-1 coaching to hosting sold out live events, writing #1 best-selling books, doing blockbuster product launches, leading high-end masterminds, and being seen as a major authority in your field is this… Offer a specific result. The more clear you are […]
How Fears Can Cost You Clients, Money, Success, and Happiness

Is there something you know you need to do to get coaching clients, but you’re not doing it? Maybe it’s… Attending a networking event Making follow up calls to people you met at a networking event Or perhaps it’s… Making cold calls (yes, some coaches do this and get a lot of clients from it) […]
Stupid Stuff Coaches Do

I was guilty of doing a lot of stupid stuff during the first years of my coaching business. Most of it was because of all the bad advice I got on how to build and sustain a profitable coaching business. The thing about not knowing something is that you usually end up paying for it […]
Why I got fired (trust me, I totally deserved it)…

Have you ever messed something up really bad and thought to yourself? “Wow, there’s something wrong with me…” When we mess things up, it’s so easy to feel ashamed and to take that one problem and globalize it to our whole identity. We can be quick to think things like… “I’ll never succeed.” “No one […]
This 1 Question Made Me Phenomenally Wealthy

One of my favorite things to do is surprise and delight people. There’s just nothing like giving someone something that they weren’t expecting and they become happier, or better off in some way because of it. For instance, I scored some tickets to the Emmy’s. So, guess what I did? I took a group of […]
I Beat Goliath

Have you ever heard the story of David and Goliath? It’s a story from the bible, but you don’t need to be religious to relate. In a nutshell, it’s about a young boy named, David, who against all odds faced the giant, Goliath (who terrorized the area) and beat him. By all logic, the boy […]
Most people are on 1 of these 2 paths…

Imagine, what if you were at a crossroads… …and when you look to your left, you see familiar and safe surroundings. But when you look to your right, the path looks uncertain. Even though it looks uncertain, you also know that path has a lot of thrill, beauty, and excitement. Which would you take? Most […]
Why Struggling Is A Sign You’re On The Right Track… And The #1 “Trick” To Move Past It To Fast Forward Into Wild Success

If you are currently struggling to get clients and make a name for yourself in your industry or have ever struggled in the past with it, read this article from beginning to end. I’m going to share with you what “the struggle” actually is, why it’s a good thing that it’s happening to you, and […]