2 1/2 Half Ways To Become A Highly Sought After Coach

When I first started out as a coach, I knew I wanted to help people. I knew I had a great big heart and a natural ability to help people get the results they wanted, but I struggled to get clients. Why? When I look back now, I can see the reason so clearly. It’s […]

Why Coaches Should Find Joint Venture Partners

Picking out a strong circle of joint venture partners (also called JV partners) is an important expansion strategy to add to your business. Instead of trying to maximize the results of your business alone, you use the influence of others to help broaden your reach. Think of it as building your close circle of friends. […]

How To Use Birdseed To Get Clients

Thinking back a few years ago on a trip I took to Costa Rica, I remember this remarkable lesson I learned about getting clients. It was my last day of vacation there and I was sitting in the “Plaza De La Cultura” watching people feed the birds. I couldn’t help but remember how the children […]

Productivity Advice From A Billionaire

Putting in a ton of hours writing articles, going to networking events, keeping your social media up to date, and building online funnels may feel like the right thing to do for your business. But, if you’re still struggling to fill your coaching practice and make money, it may be a waste of your time. […]

If You’re A Coach Or Considering Becoming One, Remember This…

I believe coaching is the most powerful force for change on Earth and here’s why I believe that. When a person is ready to make a change in their life, they have a few options. They could either… Go out and try to make the changes on their own, which some people are able to […]

The #1 Difference Between Legends & Lazy Bums

Legends aren’t born on the internet or on stages. They’re born the moment they make a very specific decision. Without this decision, even Muhammad Ali himself would have wound up working a typical 9-5 job making typical money doing typical things. But, he didn’t end up doing that. Muhammad Ali was anything but typical. He’s […]

Championing Your List With Great Content

Building your list of loyal subscribers is about bonding with them and the main course to bonding with them is by giving great content. When you give great content, you become the hero of your tribe because you’re giving them the stuff they need to thrive. To do this well is to really be in […]

Item Most Coaches Wear That Stunts Their Growth

Years back when I had my first daughter, I remember how much she loved to be swaddled. Swaddling is when you wrap a baby up really tight in a blanket so they can’t move their arms or legs. It actually helps to calm them down because it’s as close as they can get to feeling […]

How To Build True Wealth In Your Coaching Business

Building wealth in your coaching business is a lot easier than what most coaches think. Once you have a system in place, you can have clients constantly coming in and waiting to work with you. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know the system I used in order to build wealth […]

🚀 Ready to Get Clients Lined Up Around the Block to Work With You?

Join the FREE LIVE Get Clients Masterclass Series – Registration Opens March 2nd.

Session 1:
Create Coaching Programs and Packages That Sell

Session 2:
Surprising Secrets of Highly Successful Coaches

Session 3:
Client-Getting Social Media Posts: Just Copy & Paste and Get Clients Today

Session 4:
5 Steps To Sign Up Clients For $5,000 to $100,000 Each

Limited spots available —reserve yours now!

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