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Championing Your List With Great Content

Building your list of loyal subscribers is about bonding with them and the main course to bonding with them is by giving great content. When you give great content, you become the hero of your tribe because you’re giving them the stuff they need to thrive. To do this well is to really be in tune with what your target market needs and then delivering. Take this article, for example. I know that coaches need to know how to create content so they can bond with their list. That’s why I’m giving away some quick and easy ways to do it.

Top Lists

For me, writing used to be a struggle. I used to have so much cringe around it. But I knew I needed to share stuff with my list, so one of the things I would do is create a Top Ten List. These days, people create lists with higher numbers because higher numbers are thought to actually draw the reader’s attention more. Your list can be pretty much about anything you want: videos, other people’s articles, social media posts, etc. It can range from practical to funny. Content that helps your readers with a problem, or makes their day better somehow is what you’re going for.

Give an Interview

Another great way to create content quickly is to have someone interview you. Come up with some questions for them to ask you and then you answer those questions. You can transcribe the interview and turn it into a special report, or use it to create multiple small articles. If you want, you can just share the interview recording itself.

Lead Live Teleclass

Sometimes it's easier to speak content than it is to write it for a lot of people, and it's faster to speak it than to write it for most people. In that case, you can lead a live telecast and record it. Either take the recording and divide it into several articles or give the recording away.

Rally Responses

Ask influencers in your niche their response to a particular idea or statement. This may take a little more time, but you can take a look at different points of views from your responses and create posts about them.

I'm curious to know if you're doing any of these things already. If so, let me know how it's working for you, but before you do I'm going to tell you a couple of other ways to ensure you're rocking your content!

The best way to know you’re on the right track when you’re creating the content itself is to begin with the end in mind. Start with the major overall benefit.What is the result that you want your client to get from reading, studying, watching, or listening to your content…?

  1. Achieve a breakthrough.
  2. Take an action such as opt-in to your list.
  3. Tell their friends about your stuff.
  4. Go to your blog to post a comment.
  5. Or, maybe go buy something.
Stay in Touch

The other great advice I can give you is to stay in touch with your list often. I recommend that you stay in touch two to three times a week. That's with a mixture of your own content and maybe super valuable content you're sharing from others. Even if you can just do two to three times a month that’s a great starting point to work your way up from.

Stay tuned over the coming days as I'm going to be giving out more great ways on how you can become the hero of your tribe.

Tell me, what super easy tricks are you using to create valuable content? Let me know below.

Big Love,

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen