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They called me a ‘Moose’! Really?

Growing up, my body was on the ‘chunky’ side. Some relatives would tease me by calling me ‘moose.’

Of course, they were kidding around. I would laugh it off and pretend I didn’t care.

Adults may pass off teasing as harmless fun, but deep down, it hurts. We all long to be the popular, good-looking kid.

Being a sensitive kid, it stung.


Have you ever gone through a ‘stumbling-block’ experience – which later became a stepping-stone?

Maybe, like me, tons of hidden gifts came out of the situation. I’d love to share with you how just one hurtful situation could become a treasure chest of incredible blessings.

First, all the teasing about me being a “moose” set me on a fitness journey. 

I decided to be as healthy as I could be. Well, I soon found I’d try different workouts, get bored and quit. Through trial-and-error, I figured out I had to pick a sport I REALLY ENJOYED or else I would lose motivation. Fitness had to be FUN if I wanted to stick with it consistently. 

This led me to become pretty good at basketball. 

Little did I know that this social game would stretch me out of my comfort zone. I started making more friends so that we could form basketball teams to play after work or on weekends. 

Turns out a volunteer was needed to take charge and organize the group. I volunteered to become the “go-to guy”. I’d organize where to meet, how often, what time, found substitutes for people with injuries, etc.

I discovered lessons about forming a network of friends around a shared interest.

I realized I didn’t need to wait to be appointed as a leader among my peers … a leader is a person who decides to lead.

I learned how to plan, organize, and delegate tasks. I even made lots of lifelong friends. Some would later become clients, mastermind buddies, and even JV partners.

Later, as an adult, I did a lot of self-healing and came to accept myself – all of me, dad bod and all. 🙂

That’s when the true gems of this body-work healing came through.

When my clients were going through tough times, I could understand. I’d empathize on an emotional level — because I had been in their shoes.

I developed my signature ‘cake or cringe’ philosophy.

I even discovered how to motivate, persuade, and encourage others (plus tons of other skills) that I use in my coaching business to this day.

I’m telling you this story for one simple reason. I want you to look back on your life and connect with areas that may have been painful at the time.

Instead of letting them go to waste, let’s turn that pain into passion.

Sure, positive emotions like love, caring, hope, and happiness are the best motivators.

Yet, the reality of the human experience is that we are not always feeling happy emotions all the time.

That’s right! We also have valid feelings of fear, hurt, rage, pits of frustration, jealousy, hopelessness, and betrayal.


Learn the ability to instantly heal (and permanently release) your biggest fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. These are the biggest blocks keeping you from becoming your most infinite, most powerful self, including:

  • Guilt
  • Unworthiness
  • Indecision 
  • Rejection 
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Fear of disappointment


Once you discover how to unlock any old, ‘negative’, or stagnant energy holding you back, you will enjoy a new freedom. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it becomes to supercharge your manifesting ability — and make a beeline for your goals.

I’d love to share a FREE resource with you. It’s called the Peace Process.

The key to receiving everything you ever wanted – faster and easier than ever before – is to remove the energetic blocks standing in your way.

With all the love in my heart,

What happens when you take your foot off the energetic brakes that are holding you back – and step on the gas? Download the Peace Process now to discover how fast your life can change.

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen