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Have YOUR plans ever gone sideways?

Plans gone sideways

Something was wrong. I could tell right away.

It was Wednesday, Feb 23rd. A day I had been eagerly looking forward to. Anticipating. Preparing mentally, spiritually, and physically for.

But instead of jumping out of bed in excitement, I felt very “off”.

Maybe it was just a passing thing?

No, I realized I was really unwell.

In fact, I’d not been feeling very well over the previous weeks — so bad that I had even gone for a C-19 test. Thankfully, that came back negative. So, what was going on?

Then it hit me.

I would have to postpone my virtual live training, Client-Getting Virtual Events.


I hate to postpone anything, especially when appointments are made months in advance.

Of course, I highly value my clients. They are the main reason I get to use my gifts in this world. People from all over the world had taken time off to spend 3 days with me LIVE at Client-Getting Virtual Events.

Not to mention, a lot had already gone into preparing for the event by my team and I. There’s a lot we do behind-the-scenes to test what’s working so that we can share with coaches the latest, fastest, most successful strategies to organize and promote their own virtual events.

Because our events bring in millions a year, sharing these secrets with our coaches helps them to avoid tons of needless mistakes and wasted time.

Also, I want everyone who attends any of my events to have an amazing, unforgettable, life-changing experience.

Now, all this preparation hung in the balance.

Should I just push through?

But I knew that when attendees deserve an awesome experience from me, I must be upfront when I’m not able to deliver that.

I have a simple request. After reading this, would you do me a huge favor and write me back and tell me: what would you do?

Would you:

  • Postpone the event even though you’ve already invested a lot of time and preparation?
  • Risk the disappointment of attendees who cleared their busy schedules to learn from you?
  • POWER THROUGH and hope everyone forgives a sub-par event?
  • Practice non-attachment and let-go?
  • Trust clients and fellow attendees will understand unforeseen events can happen to anyone?

One of my earliest mentors was Dr. David Hawkins.

Today, I’d love to share two abridged paragraphs from his seminal book, “Letting Go” pages 170-171:

In acceptance, we are free to be in the present. There is no longer regret about the past, nor is there fear of the future. Fear of the future no longer exists when the past has been healed. This is because the ego tends to project the past upon the future, and a past that is viewed negatively becomes fearful when projected upon an imaginary future.

Letting go of the lower energies of guilt, fear, anger, and pride alleviates the weight of the past and clears the clouds of the future.
Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow has not yet come.

I hope you always enjoy clear skies and smooth sailing. However, if things ever go sideways, remember this powerful teaching.

Because it helps you accept that things are perfect as they are.
Everything is working out, even you are not sure why, or how.

Because I’ve healed my past, I could see the good that would come from this.

Maybe there was someone, somewhere who REALLY needed to be there. Maybe this person was going to learn something that would help them reach tons of clients so that they can REALLY change the world.

Maybe that somebody is YOU.

This was a chance for our community to rally together and share love, healing, and empathy.

This was more time to anticipate and delight in the excitement of making this event EVEN MORE EPIC.

What would YOU do?
I’d love to hear from you.
Comment below!

With all the love in my heart,

ps. One last thing. If things ever go sideways in your own life, I’d love to encourage you to LET GO.

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen