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Isn't it interesting how we push away the things we truly desire? Even the things we most VALUE and hold dear to our hearts?

Sometimes we go as far as pushing things away that make us HUMAN. Basic things. Passion. Acknowledgment. Family. Ambition. Desire. Love.

Maybe it’s because of fear of disappointment in case they don’t happen. Past trauma, rejections, and betrayals. Or fear of judgment because our desires could seem ‘trivial’ or ‘superficial’ to others. Especially when there are so many more ‘important’ things happening in the world.

Watch this short video. You will discover my most important uncommon belief.

I use this to allow myself to have a happy family, a successful business, and tons of friends.

I’d love to challenge YOU to adopt this uncommon belief.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but try it for a day or two. Once you see the results, this may become your own special mantra — for life.


With all the love in my heart,

ps. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below!

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen