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Item Most Coaches Wear That Stunts Their Growth

Years back when I had my first daughter, I remember how much she loved to be swaddled. Swaddling is when you wrap a baby up really tight in a blanket so they can’t move their arms or legs. It actually helps to calm them down because it's as close as they can get to feeling like they're still secure inside the womb.

I used to wonder then and I still do now, how many times we as coaches swaddle ourselves. It may be great for babies, but as we grow up we want our babies to take off the swaddle blanket.

How many times do we hold ourselves down in order to feel safe and protected? What may feel safe, really just prevents us from accomplishing as much as want.

**Two Tough Decisions**

If you’ve been in my world long enough, then you've probably figured out by now I’m an open book. I’m super transparent when it comes to my life and I make it a point not to hold anything back. Not my successes. And, definitely not my failures.

I do this in hopes that it will help you in your life whether you’re having a hard time in your business, going through a transition, or trying to accomplish a new goal.

Two of the toughest decisions I had to make in life was one, deciding to quit my job to work for myself full time and two, moving from Chicago to San Diego. I remember before I did either one, people would try to talk me out of it. But… not making those decisions would have meant keeping my swaddle blanket on.

**Another Tough Decision**

Now, I’ve just made another decision that was really tough to make, but I needed to make it in order to grow. This week I will be hosting my last “Instant Miracle Experience” Live Event. It’s not easy to start something so powerful and so amazing and then end it.

This transformational event has helped to change the lives of so many people:

  • Lifelong illnesses have been healed
  • Family relationships have been repaired
  • And, income has skyrocketed

I'm grateful for the changes I've been able to witness.

Every year the event has gotten better than the one before, and I’m anticipating this year is going to epic. So, this wasn't an easy decision to make.

But, just like the tough decision to quit my job without any steady income to fall on…

Or, the move to San Diego where I didn’t know anyone yet…

I know this decision is going to be transformational. Not only for me but for my clients and customers too.

**Your Tough Decision**

Maybe you’re being faced with a hard decision right now. There may be a new career move you need to make or something you’ve been holding on to for a long time that’s time to let go. It can be a little scary at first to jump into the unknown, but I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t taken the leap.

People don’t get far in life by playing it safe. You have to take risks, go for it, & make your dreams come true. That’s what we want for our clients anyway, isn't it? We want our clients' dreams to come true. You’ve got to make your own dreams come true too.

If you want to help other people achieve their goals, you go first. Set your goals and make the steps to having your dream life.

Are there any tough decisions you know you need to make but haven’t acted on yet?

I want to hear about them. Plus, it's good to get things out in the open.

Share with me in the comment box now.

Big Love,

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen