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How To Deliver An Incredibly Powerful 1st Coaching Session

Of all the coaching sessions you do (after a client has signed up), the first session is by far the most important.

This is when your client is really sizing you up and wondering…

  • Was my investment really worth it?
  • Is this really going to change my life?
  • How is having a weekly conversation actually going to solve my problem?
  • Was this a total waste of money…?

In fact, almost all the clients who drop out do so in the first few weeks after the first couple of sessions. To prevent that, use the templates below. I created this tool for students in the Rapid Coaching Academy program, to virtually eliminate clients dropping out.

Using them gives your clients the confidence to know that you're the best coach in the world for them and you really can (and will) rock their world. I've created one for each of the major coaching niches, so you can find the one that fits you best or adapt it to fit your niche.

Click Here To Download All Templates

Click Here To Coach Couples to Make Their Relationships Amazing

Click Here To Coach Leaders & Executives to Achieve Bottom Line Results

Click Here To Coach Parents to Improve Their Child's Behavior & Raise Healthy, Happy Kids

Click Here To Coach People to Grow Their Business

Click Here To Coach People to Lose Weight

Click Here To Coach Sales Professionals to Up Their Income

Click Here To Coach Women to Find Love

Click Here To Coach Men to Find Love


Big Love,

ps. In Rapid Results Coach Academy, I give you templates to guide you through your First Five Sessions of each coaching niche in detail. But right here, you can download the optimal session #1 for every major coaching niche.

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen