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Build A Massive Following of Fans, Followers, and Friends With This Big List Blueprint…

We've all heard it said before…

“You've got to have a list if you want to make a big impact.”

“You need a big list if you want to sell your products and programs to the masses.”

“If you’re not building an email list, you’re making a HUGE mistake.”

And, no matter how true those statements are, if you don't know how to grow a big list, it can be really frustrating and hard to know where to start.

If you want to build a massive following of fans, followers, and friends that quickly fill up every one of your coaching or training programs, download your copy of my Big List Blueprint.

You can even print it out and pin it up so you can see it while you work.


Be sure to watch the video below. I'll walk you through the blueprint step by step, piece by piece.

WARNING: When you click the play button you'll see I created this video a few years ago, when I had a LOT less hair on my head!


Big Love,

ps. Know a fellow coach wishing they had a bigger list? Share this blog post and blueprint with them. You can grow your massive lists together!

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen