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How To Stand Out From The Coaching Competition

There are more coaches than ever these days because there are more people than ever that need our help.

But that means there’s more people for clients to choose from, so you’ll need some reliable ways to stand out so clients know you’re the right coach for them.

This is important when building a coaching business, especially when building an online coaching business.

So here are 5 ways to stand out from other coaches:

#1 Tell your unique story

Nobody’s story is going to be like yours. We are all different. The key then is to tell your story in a way that is relatable to your prospects and clients so they feel a connection with you.

#2 Write a book

One of the things that will get you a ton of respect, authority, clients, and even media attention is a high-value book filled with your ideas. Most coaches are not doing this, but this is one of the highest leverage ways you can use to attract unlimited clients.

#3 Don’t be needy

Prospects and clients can sense neediness and it makes them run the other way. So instead of being needy (for clients and payments) like the majority of coaches out there…

…. show supreme confidence in your coaching so the client knows you don’t NEED them as a client. This will do wonders to make you stand out and will attract more people to want to work with you.

#4 Give a valuable free session

For a potential client, a free session is great because it’s low risk for them. And during your free session, be sure to add value to their situation so they say to themselves “If the free coaching is this good, then the paid coaching must be MUCH better!” This will absolutely make you stand out from the crowd of coaches out there.

#5 Put the client before you put yourself

This goes back to a couple of previous points above. Your job is to help the client through their problems… not to necessarily get paid above all else. Of course when you add enough value you will get paid big, but first you have to ensure you will help the client and add value to their situation. Do this, and clients will think of you way before they think of someone else.

Big Love,

ps. Are there ways you use to stand out from other coaches?

Let me know what they are and tell me what you learned from this blog by posting a comment below!

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen