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Avoid these 5 coaching business mistakes…

It’s easy to struggle in your coaching business if you don’t have outside help.

Many people think starting a coaching business is a cakewalk.

But if that were the case, everyone would be a full-time coach making 6 and 7 figure incomes.

Even though a lot of people think I was born with some special advantage or talent…I wasn't.

I had to go through the school of hard knocks and make a lot of mistakes like everyone else.

Here are 5 of them I’d like to help you avoid:

Mistake #1: Jumping right in with no job and monstrous debt. (Although this ‘sink or swim’ approach worked for me, it was h.a.r.d, and I can’t recommend it to others).

Mistake #2: Not having a financial reserve. This made me feel needy because I really needed my clients, or I would've been out on the streets.

Mistake #3: Giving away free ‘sample sessions’ of coaching, coaching my heart out and hoping people would hire me.

Although this did get me some clients, it didn’t work consistently or reliably and lead me to questioning myself and my value as a coach.

Mistake #4: Not getting online right away.

I didn’t have a website for the first 2 years.

Although you can do very well without one, and it’s not the most important piece of the puzzle, you can advance faster, and a lot easier with an effective one.

Mistake #5: Trying to do it all myself.

Being afraid of outsourcing (partly because I didn’t have extra money or credit available to hire anyone). Looking back, I probably should've hired help a lot sooner.

These are some of the many, many, many (did I mention many) mistakes I’ve made along the way.

I hope this helps you avoid committing the same mistakes in your coaching business.

Big Love,

ps. Please let me know what you learned from this blog by posting a comment below!

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen