From Pain to Power: The Bricks That Pave the Way to Success

When I was six, I got into the pattern of helping because my mother used to come to me for comfort and advice. Seeing her in pain killed me. I wanted to help her all the time. She’d often fight with my father and these fights would sometimes end with slammed doors and dishes being […]

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Niche and Attracting Your Dream Clients

Choosing the right coaching niche is a critical step in creating a successful coaching business. A well-defined niche not only helps you reach the right audience, but it also makes it easier for your ideal clients to find and connect with you. So in this article, I’ll dive deep into the importance of discovering your […]

How to Skyrocket Your Confidence

Over the years, I’ve found that the two biggest things that keep coaches from being able to get clients are — not having a system for signing clients up (which is why I created my flagship client-getting program, Free Sessions That Sell) and … low confidence. Confidence (or lack of confidence) can be such a […]

Dating Your Niche: How To Pick The Perfect One For Your Business

When it comes to coaching, one of the most important decisions you will make is what niche you’ll market yourself in. This decision is key because it determines who your target market is, and how you will reach them. It’s much harder to reach a general audience than it is to reach a specific group […]

Here’s How Coaches Should Offer Guarantees

How do you set up your coaching offer so getting a “yes” is virtually guaranteed? It actually comes down to effectively using guarantees! Wait, what? Use a guarantee to virtually guarantee people take you up on your offer. That’s right! And I’ll explain how and why it works below… What Stops People From Hiring You […]

5 things that’ll sell your next coaching offer

Getting people to hire you for coaching can be a predictable and fun process, but only if you know exactly what to include in your offer. I see coaches all the time who are good hearted and hard working, but they often hear crickets once they make their offer or talk about the money part. […]

Is Your Success Inevitable?

I believe every goal you set, every result that you want to achieve, and every desire that you would like to fulfill will inevitably come true IF… You do the 2 things that I recommend in this video. Watch it now and leave a comment below. I’d love to know what you think. Big Love, […]

The secret scarcity even rich people have…

  Many of us feel scarcity around money. Some of us might feel scarcity about love. But most people experience massive scarcity in another area of their life that is invisible. Not only do they not know how to change it, they don’t even realize that there’s a problem. There’s a whole other way to […]

Meet the richest person in the world…

Do you know who the richest person in the world is? Well, according to Forbes Magazine, the richest person on Earth is once again Bill Gates. However, he may have the most money but he may not be richest person in the world… In fact, you could be the richest person in the world. Think […]

[New Video] How to make a great offer…

Instead of sharing one of my own videos… Today I’m going to share a video from one of my live events where a good friend of mine, Lisa Sasevich, came as a guest speaker. In this video you will…. Discover the biggest mistake most coaches make when describing the work they do and making an […]

🚀 Ready to Get Clients Lined Up Around the Block to Work With You?

Join the FREE LIVE Get Clients Masterclass Series – Registration Opens March 2nd.

Session 1:
Create Coaching Programs and Packages That Sell

Session 2:
Surprising Secrets of Highly Successful Coaches

Session 3:
Client-Getting Social Media Posts: Just Copy & Paste and Get Clients Today

Session 4:
5 Steps To Sign Up Clients For $5,000 to $100,000 Each

Limited spots available —reserve yours now!

Instant Access to the #1 Best Selling Book Get Clients Today