Here Are The *Exact* Words To Say When Someone Asks, “What Do You Do?”

Here are the *exact words* to say to get clients. I’ll share them with you in a second, but first here’s my personal “bloodbath” story of “networking event terror”… How do you feel when people ask, “so, what do you do?”… Do you feel confident because you know exactly what to say to end up with […]
Why Coaching Is The Most Powerful Influence On Human Evolution

Do you want to see the ‘Big Picture’ of how coaching impacts people and the whole world? Check this out… (I think you’re going to love this!) How coaching impacts people Have you read the book ‘Power vs. Force’ by Dr. Hawkins? In this book, he lays out a ‘map of consciousness’. This is a […]
What a Penniless Business Owner Taught Me About Charging “Ultra-High” Coaching Fees

A lot of coaches have been talking to me about potential clients not having the money for coaching. Have you heard these things from prospective clients: “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the money for coaching” Even though many people may say they can’t afford coaching, often times it’s not true. What is true […]
5 BIG Email Marketing Mistakes That Prevent You From Getting The Results You Want

Do you ever feel disappointed with how well your newsletter or email list ‘performs’ for you? Do you long to get these kinds of responses from the emails you send… inquiries for your coaching? more people passing your emails along to others? more sign-ups for teleclasses you offer? people actually buying whatever you might be […]
5 Steps To Make THIS YEAR Your Biggest, Boldest, & Best Year Yet

Have you ever noticed that the week or two before the New Year, Facebook begins to fill up with “New Year Resolution” ads? There’s everything from goal setting, to manifesting guides, to intention setting, to picking your word for the year. All of which are great. Goal setting serves an important role for us as […]
The #1 Excuse People Use To Put Off Their Dreams (& What To Do About It Right Now.)

Should I Just “Jump Right In”? It’s a question almost every coach will face at some point or another. And there’s one excuse that I hear most often from people who say they want to get more clients… make more money… or just start enjoying their life/work balance more. And it usually starts with “I […]
Make Yourself Magnetically Attractive to Clients

I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again. Don’t just offer coaching to your clients. Offer results! Because people don’t buy movie tickets. They buy movie experiences. There’s a big difference there. Sure, the ticket leads to the experience, but people could care less about the ticket itself. In fact, they won’t remember the […]
How To Get Clients To Fall In Love (And Stay In Love) With Your Coaching…

Just like a romantic relationship, the relationship between you and your clients is an ongoing relationship, an evolution. You probably won’t find yourself saying things like “Okay, I know everything about you now so I can stop getting to know you.” That’s why I thought, with it being Valentine’s Day, that it would be a […]
Biggest Shortcut You Should Be Using To Grow Your Coaching Business

Today I’m sharing a really fun, but super important video about something that used to really annoy me – opt-in offers! In this video, you will… Discover how something I once thought was super pushy became my biggest leverage Understand the magic behind investing in other people’s programs See how I’m able to buy 2 […]
How To Get High Profile JV Partners To Promote You

If you want to land your own ‘Joint Venture Partners’ who will promote your products and programs for you, you’re going to love today’s blog post. It’s an excerpt taken straight out of my $5,000 training “High Profit JV Partnerships”. It’s all about how to be JV ready. There are 4 key elements that you […]