How to network at events and seminars

The truth about networking is that it needs to be done in the right environment for you to get the best results. For instance, live events and seminars are perfect networking opportunities because those in attendance likely need help in some or many areas of their life, making them the perfect prospects. In this video, I’ll show […]

A Ninja Marketing Move That’ll Help You Speak The Language Of Clients

A lot of coaches have trouble nailing down their marketing message. I shared a ninja marketing technique at my recent Client-Getting Mastery event and I want you to check it out here. After watching this video, I want you to do a couple things: Create a customer avatar of who you want to be working […]

How to make money with a book without selling a single copy…

Let’s face it, it’s tough to get attention out there. The Internet has made it easy for anyone to start a coaching business, which is good. But it’s harder than ever to cut through the clutter and get the attention of your target audience. There is one marketing tactic I’ve been using for 18 years […]

How To Get Other People To Promote You

One way I’ve grown my business (even when I was starting out) was by forming joint venture partnerships. That’s when you find people who have your audience and they promote you. They can help promote your business, book, session, or live event. I am going to share my “Stone Soup” JV strategy that’ll help you get […]

Avoid these 5 coaching business mistakes…

It’s easy to struggle in your coaching business if you don’t have outside help. Many people think starting a coaching business is a cakewalk. But if that were the case, everyone would be a full-time coach making 6 and 7 figure incomes. Even though a lot of people think I was born with some special […]

Do You Have Holes In Your Email Marketing?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “the money is in the list”? It’s true, that when you have a big email list you can make a lot of money with the push of a button. But… Does that mean you can’t make a lot of money with a small email list? It may surprise you […]

How To Stand Out From The Coaching Competition

There are more coaches than ever these days because there are more people than ever that need our help. But that means there’s more people for clients to choose from, so you’ll need some reliable ways to stand out so clients know you’re the right coach for them. This is important when building a coaching […]

How to Work Smarter & Not Harder (to get big results)

There’s a lot of people out there giving business advice who say things like “work smarter, not harder”, which I 100% agree with. Only problem is that when most people say work smarter not harder, they actually suggest you figure out a way to “outsmart the system”. Or, use some complicated tactic or clever trick. But […]

My Favorite Books And How They Helped Me Build a Big Coaching Business

Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins I have a lot of books from David Hawkins, but I especially love this book because it dives into the topic of consciousness and I read about a technique called muscle testing that I use a lot in my coaching. This technique alone has impacted many of the […]

How To Network Without Being Annoying

A lot of people preach networking tips that are too pushy. This video straight from my Client-Getting Mastery seminar shows you how to network in a way that feels good… Click below to watch the video. I also share some cool places you can network. Some of them don’t require you to leave your […]

🚀 Ready to Get Clients Lined Up Around the Block to Work With You?

Join the FREE LIVE Get Clients Masterclass Series – Registration Opens March 2nd.

Session 1:
Create Coaching Programs and Packages That Sell

Session 2:
Surprising Secrets of Highly Successful Coaches

Session 3:
Client-Getting Social Media Posts: Just Copy & Paste and Get Clients Today

Session 4:
5 Steps To Sign Up Clients For $5,000 to $100,000 Each

Limited spots available —reserve yours now!

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