How to Work Smarter & Not Harder (to get big results)

There’s a lot of people out there giving business advice who say things like “work smarter, not harder”, which I 100% agree with. Only problem is that when most people say work smarter not harder, they actually suggest you figure out a way to “outsmart the system”. Or, use some complicated tactic or clever trick. But […]

How To Network Without Being Annoying

A lot of people preach networking tips that are too pushy. This video straight from my Client-Getting Mastery seminar shows you how to network in a way that feels good… Click below to watch the video. I also share some cool places you can network. Some of them don’t require you to leave your […]

A Hard And Valuable Lesson For A Beginner Coach

Many beginner coaches struggle when it comes to choosing their market. They often focus on the wrong things when they try to attract clients. I taught a hard and valuable lesson to an attendee of my recent Client-Getting Mastery event. You can watch it here. This video illustrates why most coaches (and businesses in general) […]

How To Get Big High-Paying Coaching Clients

When most coaches start out, they have a goal of someday working with clients that pay big. But somewhere along the way they start believing that it’s not possible or that they don’t deserve it. So in this video, you’re going to discover… Why so many people run away from what they really want How […]

What Qualifications Do You Need To Be A Coach?

The great thing about coaching is you don’t need a formal education to become an awesome coach and make a good living. But this gray area can also confuse people about what qualifications you need to be a coach. I’m going to clear up some of the confusion in this article, and show you things […]

7 Clues Of Successful Coaches 

Recently, I was asked a question that went something like this: “What are all of your *success story* clients doing that I’m missing?” Perhaps you’ve been in the ‘coaching game for a while’ and you seem to be doing a lot of the right things… …but something’s just not “clicking” for you. I’ve helped coaches […]

Magic Phrases For Enrolling Clients

Have you ever had a client say they wanted to hire you and then fall off the face of the earth? This happens to lots of coaches and it used to happen to me. It’s one of the worst things that can happen to a coach because… First, you get excited that they said, “yes” […]