The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Niche and Attracting Your Dream Clients

Choosing the right coaching niche is a critical step in creating a successful coaching business. A well-defined niche not only helps you reach the right audience, but it also makes it easier for your ideal clients to find and connect with you. So in this article, I’ll dive deep into the importance of discovering your […]

5 things that’ll sell your next coaching offer

Getting people to hire you for coaching can be a predictable and fun process, but only if you know exactly what to include in your offer. I see coaches all the time who are good hearted and hard working, but they often hear crickets once they make their offer or talk about the money part. […]

They called me a ‘Moose’! Really?

Growing up, my body was on the ‘chunky’ side. Some relatives would tease me by calling me ‘moose.’ Of course, they were kidding around. I would laugh it off and pretend I didn’t care. Adults may pass off teasing as harmless fun, but deep down, it hurts. We all long to be the popular, good-looking […]

How a Weight Loss Coach Overcame a Common Client Objection

One of my students, Brian, a weight loss coach, was frustrated because he really wanted his family to finally understand the value of his coaching and coaching business. Can you relate? So, he went “all in” and had a bunch of clients book him for a free session. And when faced with the dreaded question: […]

A Proven Method to Ignite Your Coaching Business

Meet Natalya Hramova. She is a health & life coach ready to scale her business. She was unable to make the next move on her coaching business, because she felt overwhelmed. As part of our monthly calls inside Coach Club Premium, we worked together on overcoming these feelings. We also went through the ‘Coaching Triangle’ […]

Shift Your Mindset, Become An Abundance Magnet

Are you afraid to charge, afraid you won’t get any clients, or upset that people aren’t paying you? You talk to people, but they don’t sign up for the amount you want to charge. You feel like you’re charging peanuts, and still they aren’t saying, “Yes, let’s work together.” You must realize that you are […]

They Want Results, Not a Certification

The blinking cursor on the Google search bar popped the letters as I typed: certification on coaching. 1 million results. 1 million possibilities. Endless doubts. Would I ever be successful as a coach if I don’t know where to start? Many coaches are spending a lot of time getting certified. And I can see why. […]

🤑💰More money, more problems? 😡

Ever had thoughts like these? I feel like I have so much life experience to give and share, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get paid what I deserve. Having MORE than enough money is somehow scary, unnecessary, and SELFISH. It’s not that I hate money, but I don’t think I trust […]

😱 It’s too late now 🤯You CAN’T go back now

Do you ever… wonder if the things you’re doing are actually working? get frustrated because you are still dealing with the same old issues? worry because you are not where you thought you “should” be by now, especially after all the work you’ve done so far? The better question might be: Are you making progress? […]

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By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen