Have YOUR plans ever gone sideways?

Something was wrong. I could tell right away. It was Wednesday, Feb 23rd. A day I had been eagerly looking forward to. Anticipating. Preparing mentally, spiritually, and physically for. But instead of jumping out of bed in excitement, I felt very “off”. Maybe it was just a passing thing? No, I realized I was really […]
HEALING: Ever Struggle to Finish Projects…?
Do you ever: Have unexplained aches/pains in your body? Struggle to complete things? Perhaps you get A LOT of things started. Or you may have a lot of energy when getting started. But when projects get to the point where they could turn into something great, you fizzle out of steam. Or, you start something […]
Isn’t it interesting how we push away the things we truly desire? Even the things we most VALUE and hold dear to our hearts? Sometimes we go as far as pushing things away that make us HUMAN. Basic things. Passion. Acknowledgment. Family. Ambition. Desire. Love. Maybe it’s because of fear of disappointment in case they […]
My New Secret Wealth Mantra

Over the last few months I’ve been using a new “Secret Mantra” that has not only resulted in me tripling my business over the last year, but also makes me feel WAY more gratitude each day… I’ve started saying it all the time – and you might like to try it out too. (Muscle-testing or ‘kinesiology’ […]
#1 Secret To Working Less & Earning More

I made this fascinating video for you that shares the #1 secret to working less and earning more. It has virtually nothing to do with time management and everything to do with a very interesting paradox about time. Check it out and leave a comment below letting me know what you think. Big Love, Christian
Is Your Success Inevitable?

I believe every goal you set, every result that you want to achieve, and every desire that you would like to fulfill will inevitably come true IF… You do the 2 things that I recommend in this video. Watch it now and leave a comment below. I’d love to know what you think. Big Love, […]
This book changed my life…

My life has been completely transformed many times over from the amazing books I’ve read over the years. You might already know my story about when I was struggling to grow my coaching business… One of the things that helped me turn things around was that I made a commitment to read a book a […]
The secret scarcity even rich people have…

Many of us feel scarcity around money. Some of us might feel scarcity about love. But most people experience massive scarcity in another area of their life that is invisible. Not only do they not know how to change it, they don’t even realize that there’s a problem. There’s a whole other way to […]
The only one real fear we have…

I made this new video for you about all of our greatest fears and how to overcome them. Watch it now and let me know if you agree in the comments below.
Meet the CEO of Hay House

Reid Tracey, the CEO of Hay House (the #1 self help book publishing company in the world), is a good friend of mine and he comes to my events to teach people the inside scoop on… how to write a best-selling personal growth book how to win over a publisher how and when to self-publish […]