Shift Your Mindset, Become An Abundance Magnet

Are you afraid to charge, afraid you won’t get any clients, or upset that people aren’t paying you? You talk to people, but they don’t sign up for the amount you want to charge. You feel like you’re charging peanuts, and still they aren’t saying, “Yes, let’s work together.” You must realize that you are […]

🤑💰More money, more problems? 😡

Ever had thoughts like these? I feel like I have so much life experience to give and share, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get paid what I deserve. Having MORE than enough money is somehow scary, unnecessary, and SELFISH. It’s not that I hate money, but I don’t think I trust […]

My New Secret Wealth Mantra

Over the last few months I’ve been using a new “Secret Mantra” that has not only resulted in me tripling my business over the last year, but also makes me feel WAY more gratitude each day… I’ve started saying it all the time – and you might like to try it out too. (Muscle-testing or ‘kinesiology’ […]

#1 Secret To Working Less & Earning More

I made this fascinating video for you that shares the #1 secret to working less and earning more. It has virtually nothing to do with time management and everything to do with a very interesting paradox about time. Check it out and leave a comment below letting me know what you think. Big Love, Christian

Is Your Success Inevitable?

I believe every goal you set, every result that you want to achieve, and every desire that you would like to fulfill will inevitably come true IF… You do the 2 things that I recommend in this video. Watch it now and leave a comment below. I’d love to know what you think. Big Love, […]

How To Build True Wealth In Your Coaching Business

Building wealth in your coaching business is a lot easier than what most coaches think. Once you have a system in place, you can have clients constantly coming in and waiting to work with you. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know the system I used in order to build wealth […]

How To Get Other People To Promote You

One way I’ve grown my business (even when I was starting out) was by forming joint venture partnerships. That’s when you find people who have your audience and they promote you. They can help promote your business, book, session, or live event. I am going to share my “Stone Soup” JV strategy that’ll help you get […]

How To Stand Out From The Coaching Competition

There are more coaches than ever these days because there are more people than ever that need our help. But that means there’s more people for clients to choose from, so you’ll need some reliable ways to stand out so clients know you’re the right coach for them. This is important when building a coaching […]

How To Network Without Being Annoying

A lot of people preach networking tips that are too pushy. This video straight from my Client-Getting Mastery seminar shows you how to network in a way that feels good… Click below to watch the video. I also share some cool places you can network. Some of them don’t require you to leave your […]

FREE: #1 Bestselling Book
Get Clients Today

By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen