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Abundance Unleashed: Companion Guide

Use this tool as you read the book to help you open yourself to more love, happiness, health, wealth you want, so you can start manifesting your dream life, now.

Value: $20.00

“Abundance Unleashed is an inspiring guide full of important information for those of us who want to enjoy true abundance in not just one – but in all – areas of life.”

– Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

“Abundance Unleashed, is a must read for everyone that wants a better life. In it you’ll discover the secrets for tapping into your greatest power and manifesting your biggest dreams, desires, and goals. I give this book my highest recommendation.”

– T. Harv Eker, Author, N.Y. Times #1 Bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Is it possible to open yourself to more money, love, health, and happiness now?

YES! And in my new book, Abundance Unleashed: Open Yourself to Love, Money, Health, Happiness, you’ll discover the secrets to eliminating the invisible forces that could be holding you back from having everything you want in life. 

Money, love, sex, great health, fame, fortune, success, and happiness can all be yours. Literally.

In fact, that’s the biggest secret you’ll discover in Abundance Unleashed.

Because contrary to popular belief, no one has an advantage over you. Yes, they might be born with better looks, parents, connections, and more wealth, but these “advantages” aren’t the keys to abundance and success.

Abundance is actually everywhere and with a little creativity and determination, there’s no limit to what’s possible.

In Abundance Unleashed, you’re going to learn how you can go from where you are now, to creating the life of your wildest dreams. It will be your guide to blasting through anything that’s stopping you from accumulating massive amounts of wealth, health, inner-peace & happiness.

People see my success now, but very few know where I started.

I grew up on welfare and always had issues with money and self-esteem. As an adult, things didn’t change very much. There was a point in my life when I struggled just to get by. Opportunities seemed to always evade me and it wasn’t until I discovered the secrets inside this book that I turned things around.

Now, I’m a sought-after business expert, a powerful spiritual healer, have grown a multi-million dollar business, have an amazing family, and incredible friends.

I’ve achieved a life beyond my wildest dreams and what you’ll read inside this book are the biggest secrets to my success.

If you’re ready for an amazingly rich and rewarding life, be sure to read every page as if your life depends on it, because this book can make a huge impact on the quality of your life.

“I struggled with money for years, and I was poor growing up, and I got a notion that I didn’t have to be, but all I knew was to work harder. I worked so hard for decades and continued to strive and struggle. I had been stuck making $20,000/year for the last 10 years.

What I didn’t realize is that I had a lot of experiences and thinking that were keeping me stuck in that pattern of striving… I finally knew I just couldn’t work any harder.

The only thing I hadn’t tried was doing less which led me to work with Christian. The patterns and thinking that kept me thinking small started to change dramatically.

Within days of working with Christian, I signed my first high paying client at $6,000 and then within a few weeks I doubled my fee to $12,000 and then shortly after that I signed up another client for $20,000. I used to only bring in $20,000 a year total, and now I have clients that pay that much each!

It was a total shift in my thinking about money.”

“This work has freed something in me and now I’m moving forward consistently. I’m moving forward with the ease, the joy, I’m happier. I’m more present. I’m creating a life that I love, and my energy is clearer. I’m lighter, brighter, and more aligned. I can stay in a flow and this work is the foundation of what keeps me there.”

In Abundance Unleashed, you will discover…

This book was purposefully and powerfully structured to uplift your mind, body, and soul. Just by reading it, you’re going to open yourself to becoming richer, happier, healthier, and fall more in love with yourself, the world, and everyone in it.

The tools and techniques in Abundance Unleashed have helped tens of thousands of people around the world.

I hope you choose to be next.

“I normally wear hearing aids, and yesterday morning, my intuition said bring your hearing aid case… and you did the healing session with the woman with the 50% hearing loss and the first time you did the snaps, I couldn’t hear anything. And every time you did it, it got louder and louder and louder. I finally took my hearing aids out, and I could hear perfectly clear.”

“When I was 18 and got to college I noticed that I didn’t have as much as some of the other kids and I was a little upset by it and also motivated by it. I felt like a fish out of water there, but it opened my eyes to what is possible. I love my parents and they are good human beings but I didn’t grow up with a lot of means nor did I have a lot of options. I started to become obsessed with how to create wealth. I had this notion that I had to make money to be happy. Once I found my way to personal development and Christian, I found my way to knowing that I am happy right now and that I can be happy while I achieve, instead of believing money will make me happy. That’s when everything changed for me. I started to appreciate the moment and be grateful right now for what I currently have, and now my business is growing so fast and we’re on track for over $2Million this year.”

Why am I giving this book away free?

Well, there are a few reasons…

We pay for the book. You just cover shipping.

We are giving away this book for free, but there is a small catch. Just pay $7 for shipping ($14.99 – $19.99 for orders outside of the U.S.). We’re only giving away a few thousand copies for free and when they’re gone…they’re gone!

 Get your copy now while supplies last. 


Chapter 1: Thank God, We’re Rich 
Chapter 2: Test Your Abundance Levels
Chapter 3: The 5-Step Rapid Success System
Chapter 4: The Peace Process
Chapter 5: Instant Miracle
Chapter 6: Make Fears Disappear Forever
Chapter 7: Rock, Taffy, Water
Chapter 8: Blame Our Parents
Chapter 9: You Are Loved, Deeply Loved
Chapter 10: We Have All the Time in the World
Chapter 11: Success Is Inevitable
Chapter 12: You Are Infinitely Powerful

“Christian is a master of what it means to be truly wealthy. A teacher to many, Christian understands that wealth isn’t just material but also spiritual, physical and mental… and he has a roadmap to get you there. He walks his talk, and with a committed heart Christian has generously shared what it’s taken him years to learn regarding the truth about wealth, in the pages of this book.”

– Sage Lavine, Women Rocking Business

“Abundance Unleashed is THE book to enhance your life now and have what you want. Keep it by your bedside and refer to it constantly! It will change the way you perceive everything and get you on the road to your abundant life!”

– Jill Lublin, 4x Best Selling Author and International Speaker

“Christian Mickelsen’s new book, Abundance Unleashed, is a must read for everyone that wants a better life. In it you’ll discover the secrets for tapping into your greatest power for manifesting your biggest dreams, desires, and goals. I give this book my highest recommendation.”

– Lisa Sasevich, The Queen of Sales Conversion

“Anything you want, you can have. That’s one of the bold promises and premises of this fabulous book and a key belief in creating the life of your dreams. If you want to open yourself to the flow of Abundance in your life, read this book today!”

– Nick Ortner, NY Times bestselling author of “The Tapping Solution” and “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self>

Christian Mickelsen is the #1 best-selling author of “Get Clients Today”. He is a self-made multi-millionaire, business coach and healer who started from nothing and worked his way up to stardom in the coaching and personal growth world sharing the stage with Tony Robbins, Eben Pagan, Brian Tracy, Dan Millman, and many others. 

He’s on a mission to heal the world!

“Every sentence is a new pearl of wisdom inviting you to take a deeper look at life and step into your full potential! Thank you Christian for taking the content of 10 books, and distilling it into a simple, practical formula that anyone can follow!”

– James Wedmore, author of “The YouTube Marketing Book” and founder of “Video Traffic Academy,” a community of video marketers.

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Future Force, Miami, Florida 33130 USA

FREE: #1 Bestselling Book
Get Clients Today

By Bestselling Author, 4 Time Inc. 5000 Award Winner, and Coaching Industry Leader, Christian Mickelsen